Many people have theories about September 11th, 2001. A great many facts do not support some of those theories.
The 'official' account of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory. Most of the facts do not support that theory. Perhaps it is time to re-investigate the events of that day.
The Essence of September 11th - 3rd Edition is a work which provides an excellent summary of the essential themes, issues, facts, and questions concerning the tragic events of 9/11. This book engages the events surrounding 9/11 from a very different perspective -- namely that of a member of a hypothetical grand jury which is faced with the task of critically examining the available evidence concerning all manner of 9/11-related topics in order to determine whether or not a further public inquiry into 9/11 is appropriate and necessary. Many questions are raised in this book. The only certain answer which arises out of the pages of this work is that, after careful review, the available evidence indicates the government's official version of 9/11 is not tenable in either principle or detail.