Varieties of Psychological Inquiry - Volume 2

Interrogative Imperative Institute

Varieties of Psychological Inquiry - Volume 2 examines different facets of psychology -

from: memory, to: mirror neurons, chronobiology, holographic theory of mind, charisma, and the computatioinal mind,


'Varieties of Psychological Inquiry - Volume 2' consists of eleven essays that venture into various facets of psychology - ranging from: neuroscience, to: consciousness, the unconscious, as well as the ideas of ceding and leveraging agency plus several other forays into the nature of psychology. While no particular theory of psychology is espoused during the pages of this book, a variety of theoretical and empirical issues are explored and critically reflected upon in considerable detail during the course of this book. In a sense, the direction in which the essays of this book point is toward epistemological horizons where what is known (possibly) merges with what is not known ... and perhaps not even imagined.

Interrogative Imperative Institute

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